The Family Stage Of A Start Up

I am currently taking a course, Stanford University’s CS183C —  Technology-enabled Blitzscaling . The first 2 weeks covers the family stage of a start up which you can watch about in this video. Click Here to Watch Session 1 Video. We were given a homework assignment and thought I would share this essay with  you. At the end […]


Comparing an A/B Test to a Multivariate Test

In todays world many business thrive from online audiences and daily traffic. In order to have a site reach its full potential takes a lot time and optimizations. You’ve might of heard the term “A/B Test” or at times “Multivariate Test” (MVT) floating around on the web. There seems to be much confusion over these […]


Mistakes I Made That Will Help You Succeed

As an entrepreneur’s career progresses, realizations start to occur that are fundamental to success. Depending on your character, these things can be difficult to make a habit. I have a few pointers I think most people naturally or emotionally think are incorrect, but that is not the case. I am sure these are floating somewhere […]
