October 6, 2014

Solutionswide – Yeah, we do that!

As the CEO and co-founder of SolutionsWide, I find myself trying to formulate an elevator pitch and having a hard time with it. The reason is we do quite a bit of different things so it is a difficult feat. This all spawns from the fact that I am a serial entrepreneur with a strong case of #FOMO (fear of missing out). Only recently have I fine tuned my ability  on how to properly and accurately assess the viability of ventures.. Prior to that, I would accept any venture or idea pitched to me to the point where our resources were spread too thin to make a true impact in the business. That being said, I want to give partners and colleagues some insight into how SolutionsWide has matured and how we currently take on new ventures.Forbes3

We originally started as an Agency in 2007 which we thankfully are no longer. If you have ever dealt with marketing or design clients, you can empathize. After a few years of clients and different small ventures, I met up with my current partner, Michael Mendoza III, in 2011 and we started a new venture. This venture is the first business SolutionsWide has hatched and it is now proudly in our portfolio and is self-               sufficient. It’s a call center focusing on home services and business services. During this time we took on a few other ventures which are on the road map to hatch and now have a platform to research, plan, execute and hatch new ventures.

This includes experience with everything from retail products and services, to SaaS tools and proprietary systems. We generally work in three phases where we investigate, imitate, and innovate (blog post coming later about the phases). As for the process of hatching a new business, we also have a technique which allows us to start on a small economic scale with our shared resources and grow the venture to utilize its own full-time staff.

So when someone asks me in an elevator “What does SolutionsWide do?” I reply with “Well, what do you do?” After hearing what they do, my reply is generally “Yeah, we do that”. Sometimes people are skeptical, but that is truly the reason why we are SolutionsWide. We provide solutions to partners and new ventures on a wide variety of topics. Even though we are now focused on the few ventures, we are always incubating as we have developed thorough procedures for vetting and taking on new ideas; we have a vast experience that is unmatched. So if you have an idea, don’t hesitate to contact us because we are SolutionsWide and yeah, we do that.


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